Enjoy the convenience of securely accessing your account wherever you are, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Enroll in online banking today. Supported browsers include the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, and Edge. 

Enroll online, call us at (800) 982-7850, or visit any branch.

Live Chat

Members can now access live chat on their mobile devices or online banking for improved convenience.


Ready to start your investing journey? EasyVest serves as a robo-advisor that will act as your own personal investment guru, making it easy to start building an investment portfolio with a low-dollar amount. EasyVest will make investing an attainable goal for any of our members, with investment sizes spanning from small to large. EasyVest is now available through GLCU online and mobile banking.

Online Banking Services Include:

  • View account summary & balances
  • View/print account history and eStatements
  • Conduct account transfers & withdrawals
  • Receive eAlerts
  • FREE bill pay
  • Money manager
  • Transfer funds to another GLCU account or to another financial institution¹
  • Make loan payments from another financial institution
  • Card controls (Place travel alerts, turn card on/off, block card, and request a replacement)
  • Verify check clearing, stop, and re-order checks
  • Apply for a loan and receive an instant decision
  • Change your address
  • WebChat with a live representative or send a secure message through the message center

*At least one GLCU share or checking account must have a balance of $200 to access EasyVest setup.  **Investments are not FDIC/NCUA insured. No bank or credit union guarantee. May lose value. Balances in EasyVest are not guaranteed to earn interest. Great Lakes Credit Union has partnered with Access Softek Advisory Services LLC and DriveWealth LLC, a SEC registered broker-dealer and member FINRA/SIPC.

¹GLCU is limiting the number of member-to-member online account transfers to 3 per calendar day and limiting the total amount of member-to-member online account transfers to $1,000 per day. 
