GLCU Debt Protection is a voluntary program to protect your family from unforeseen circumstances. GLCU Debt Protection may cover your vehicle or personal loan payment(s) if you experience an unfortunate protected life event, such as unemployment, disability, or death. 

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In your time of need, our claims process is quick and easy. If you elected payment protection on your loan, you can use this convenient claims process to quickly and easily file your claim.

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Please call 1.800.621.6323 to begin the process and a CUNA Mutual Group Claims Specialist will guide you through the process.

CUNA Mutual Group is the marketing name for CUNA Mutual Holding Company, a mutual insurance holding company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Payment protection products include debt protection products available through the Great Lakes Credit Union.
Please be advised the claims portal does not currently work on the Internet Explorer browser. The Google Chrome browser is suggested. 