Student Loans
Great Lakes Credit Union has everything you need to help manage your money and plan for the future.
Great Lakes Credit Union has everything you need to help manage your money and plan for the future.
Great Lakes Credit Union has everything you need to help manage your money and plan for the future.
Click to learn about important steps to take to transition your Vibrant account to GLCU.
Basic Checking *: 28x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 5.00% APY compared to 0.18% APY for the Wisconsin market average over the life of a share draft.
3 Mo Certificate - $10k*: 155% is the difference between the percent earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 3.25% APY compared to 1.27% APY for the Wisconsin market average over the life of a 3 month share certificate at $10,000.
Basic Checking *: 24x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 5.00% APY compared to 0.20% APY for the Illinois market average over the life of a share draft.
3 Mo Certificate - $10k*: 150% is the difference between the percent earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 3.25% APY compared to 1.30% APY for the Illinois market average over the life of a 3 month share certificate at $10,000.
New Boat*: $194 is the difference between the amount paid in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 8.24% APR compared to 8.37% APR for the Chicago Metro market average over the life of a $50,000 Boat loan over 60 months.
Basic Checking *: 20x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 5.00% APY compared to 0.24% APY for the Chicago Metro market average over the life of a share draft.
3 Mo Certificate - $10k*: 3x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 3.25% APY compared to 1.08% APY for the Chicago Metro market average over the life of a 3 month share certificate at $10,000.
*Direct financial benefits to members during the 12 months ending June 2024 as defined in the CUNA Membership Benefits Report for Great Lakes Credit Union.. ©CUNA, ©Datatrac
Source: Datatrac.APY = Annual Percentage Yield, APR = Annual Percentage Rate