Important Information for Danville Members

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Our members saved $8.9 million last year*



999Lifetime Savingsi

: 0.0%i
Chicago Metro avg: 0.0%i



28x moreLifetime Earningsi

Great Lakes CU: 5.00% APYi
Chicago Metro avg: 0.18% APYi

Basic Checking *: 28x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 5.00% APY compared to 0.18% APY for the Wisconsin market average over the life of a share draft.

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155% moreLifetime Earningsi

Great Lakes CU: 3.25% APYi
Chicago Metro avg: 1.27% APYi

3 Mo Certificate - $10k*: 155% is the difference between the percent earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 3.25% APY compared to 1.27% APY for the Wisconsin market average over the life of a 3 month share certificate at $10,000.

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24x moreLifetime Earningsi

Great Lakes CU: 5.00% APYi
Chicago Metro avg: 0.20% APYi

Basic Checking *: 24x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 5.00% APY compared to 0.20% APY for the Illinois market average over the life of a share draft.

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150% moreLifetime Earningsi

Great Lakes CU: 3.25% APYi
Chicago Metro avg: 1.30% APYi

3 Mo Certificate - $10k*: 150% is the difference between the percent earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 3.25% APY compared to 1.30% APY for the Illinois market average over the life of a 3 month share certificate at $10,000.

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$194Lifetime Savingsi

Great Lakes CU: 8.24% APRi
Chicago Metro avg: 8.37% APRi

New Boat*: $194 is the difference between the amount paid in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 8.24% APR compared to 8.37% APR for the Chicago Metro market average over the life of a $50,000 Boat loan over 60 months.

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20x moreLifetime Earningsi

Great Lakes CU: 5.00% APYi
Chicago Metro avg: 0.24% APYi

Basic Checking *: 20x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 5.00% APY compared to 0.24% APY for the Chicago Metro market average over the life of a share draft.

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3x moreLifetime Earningsi

Great Lakes CU: 3.25% APYi
Chicago Metro avg: 1.08% APYi

3 Mo Certificate - $10k*: 3x is the difference between the amount earned in interest between Great Lakes Credit Union's rate at 3.25% APY compared to 1.08% APY for the Chicago Metro market average over the life of a 3 month share certificate at $10,000.

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** APY = Annual Percentage Yield. All dividend rates and APY may change at any time, as determined by GLCU Board of Directors. The APYs shown above assume that all principal and dividends remain on deposit for the entire term. Fees could reduce earnings on the above accounts. 
1APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Certain restrictions may apply. Contact a GLCU Loan Representative for more details. Rates are subject to change and loans are subject to approval. Actual rate based on credit history, income, vehicle model year, mileage and other factors. Private Party, independent dealers, and borrowers financing from independent dealers must be located in IL, IN, or WI to be considered for financing. Loan Promotion Discount is a limited time offer.